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Medieval movies?

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Sir Wolf:
ehhe we can remake monty python n the holy grail!
nono it's to perilous

Sir James A:
Sir John, It looks like you're having a great time in those photos. Stage coaches, horses and a steam train? That sounds like a true film maker's playground! I wonder if we would have the time to make a short film with some of the members. It sounds like a very neat idea.

I just saw "The Wild Hunt" last night on Netflix. Very interesting, and sometimes awkward, movie. There were a few slightly confusing parts that made more sense later, and a few parts that never did make sense. The ending caught me *completely* by surprise. It was a great break from the normal cliche endings.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir James,

Well, a short movie about this organization is one idea, but a drama, like ones I have made would be fun and interesting. Once you see the movie I already made about knights, you'll get an idea. In undergrad school I made 4 movies (one was a trip to mars and another a moster movie, complete with frankenstein monster, hunhback and vampire). Then I made 4 more when I got married (One was an Indiana Jones type movie, and a pirate movie.)

Sir John

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I'm already thinking of an idea for such a film and have some unique ideas. Maybe later we could discuss this if the members are interested.

Sir John

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I'm slowly putting together ideas that I really like...I may bever get to the point of making it into a movies, as I need people for the cast, but it's fun doing the research and coming up with ideas, etc.

Sir John


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