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Medieval movies?

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Frater de Beaumanoir:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-10-25, 16:34:25 ---Get the US DVD version and it will; you will of course have to turn it on, though. 
--- End quote ---

A quick note on the American release of the Arn movie. It is actually a combination of the two films released in Sweden. It leaves much of his back ground and development information out. If all you can get is the US release, I recommend augmenting it with the books in the series. I have heard though that you can find both releases on YOUTUBE.

Also for knightly appearance, especially those attracted to the Teutonic Order and their crusading efforts in the North, I would recommend the DVD-Krzyzacy or Black Cross. You can find it on IMDB and battle scenes on YOUTUBE. All subtitled, and poorly timed and edited, but the scenery is fun to watch.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I have so many movies on Knights and the medieval times, that I have lost count. I can't remember the location on the net, but there is a listing of every movie ever made on knights and the medieval times.

Sir John

Sir William:
I am currently re-reading Timeline, by Michael Crichton...and I got wind of this book because I'd heard of the movie, saw bits and pieces but never the whole thing.  Then I saw Albion had made swords for the movie years later, so I got the book because I'm a Crichton fan and let me tell you, I think its great.  So, I just ordered the movie on ebaY- if it is anything like the book, I'll recommend it for viewing...maybe even at our next gathering?

Watched Black Death again...still of the same mind, very gritty, but I still love it.

Sir Edward:

I saw Timeline, but haven't read the book. I hear the book is much better (isn't that always the case?), but we enjoyed the film. It's a little more "Hollywood" than the book, of course, and skips some details and changes others, from what I'm told. But we still got a kick out of it.

Sir Brian:
I read the book about a year ago and bought the movie several years ago when it first came out. Loved the movie even though it was seriously Hollywood-ized as Sir Edward said. The book was much much better! There quite a bit of plot differences between the book and movie but each are worthy of the time. :)


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