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Medieval movies?

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Sir William:
Hmm...need to check into that one.  The 50s classic The Vikings starring Kirk Douglas is another one definitely worth watching.

Sir Wolf:
warlord is awesome
vikings is a campy fun flick
dont see Norsemen with the fall guy ahhhhhhhhhhhh hehehee its soooooo bad hehehe
el sid is ok i fell asleep a few times
i got tons more

Still cannot recommend Rome enough the story arc of Pullo & Vorenus is just great.

Plus the death of Cicero is a great take on the subject of state ordered assassination:

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-11-08, 19:29:20 ---el sid is ok i fell asleep a few times

--- End quote ---

Please tell me you didn't fall asleep during any parts where Sophia Loren was on-screen. :)

Sir William:

--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2011-11-08, 19:40:32 ---Still cannot recommend Rome enough the story arc of Pullo & Vorenus is just great.

Plus the death of Cicero is a great take on the subject of state ordered assassination:

--- End quote ---

Theirs is a story of redemption, ultimately.  My cousin and I just recently watched all 22 episodes (I had the boxed set in my tv cabinet and forgot it was there for like a year) does get the blood up.  I actually like Rome better than Spartacus in that they really tried to depict how ancient Rome would've looked like, the interactions of the populace and overall how truly vulnerable life was back then.  I mean, you could be walking down the street, minding your own business and get shanked because someone else wants you dead and paid coin to see it done.  Also, while I do so love the 300-style flash of Spartacus' fight scenes, the pure viscerality, the ugliness of fighting and killing- Rome captured that in spades.  There's nothing glorious or high-flying about the fighting styles of Vorenus and Pullo...but they ARE highly effective.


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