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Medieval movies?

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Sir William:
Really?  Huh.  Then I'll chalk it up to ignorance/pure laziness on their part, which is somewhat disappointing.  Still like the movie, though.  Loved the portrayal of the Templars as the ass kicking name taking fighters I've read about.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-11-19, 16:31:16 ---Really?  Huh.  Then I'll chalk it up to ignorance/pure laziness on their part, which is somewhat disappointing.  Still like the movie, though.  Loved the portrayal of the Templars as the ass kicking name taking fighters I've read about.

--- End quote ---

Referring to the distance shots, that is. They built a courtyard set, where the movie seems to primarily take place. They composited the distant shots anyway, so showing a village off to the side would have been doable without being overly expensive (I don't think).


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