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Medieval movies?

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--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-11-05, 11:53:17 ---hehe that was one of those fun movies. the actors all worked well together. there was nothing period about the movie at all hehhehe

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Exactly lol, my gf got mad cause i was ruining the movie

Sir William:
Doesn't pay to piss off the gf lol


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-11-07, 15:09:42 ---Doesn't pay to piss off the gf lol

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Truer words were never spoken. lol, but it sure as hell is fun

Sir Brian:
Well if you get a chance to see an old classic check out “The War Lord” with Charlton Heston. He plays a Norman knight sent by his duke (for some reason I suspect William I, duke of Normandy ;) ) to a remote keep that gets raided frequently by Frisians.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-11-08, 13:40:57 ---Well if you get a chance to see an old classic check out “The War Lord” with Charlton Heston. He plays a Norman knight sent by his duke (for some reason I suspect William I, duke of Normandy ;) ) to a remote keep that gets raided frequently by Frisians.

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I agree, this film was surprisingly well done.


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