Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

hmmmmmmmmmm armor contest

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Sir Wolf:

hmmmmmmmmmm i dunno about this

Sir James A:
There's a couple cool pictures on there. I'm not sure anybody will be the lady in armor. Seems like the more popular pictures are LARPy/Fantasy ones.

Sir William:
I think I saw this on AA, the contest...I can't see FB but someone posited that this entry would win (if it were posted, I don't know).  I would agree.

Sir James A:
That would be Grace Holley, in the armor from Shroud by Jetre Films. Oddly enough, she didn't star in the movie - Nicole Leigh V-something did. It was an indie/low budget movie, but I liked it, and the very end was a cool surprise twist. I've been trying to find the DVD for quite some time.

Sir William:
Grace Holley.  Thank you for putting a name to my personal goddess-in-arms.  ;)

Nicole Leigh Verdin played the lead in Shroud but I did not see one bit of armor goodness in the trailer...just a drawing with '1410' written above it.  Weird.  But the trailer looked interesting...


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