Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

The new OPEC?

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Sir Edward:

I'm still waiting for a Star-Trek transporter. But then again, since it's disintegrates and reconstitutes a person, I'm not convinced the person stepping out the other side would actually be me. Just a perfect duplicate. :)

Sir William:
Which begs the question...how many times did they have to run experiments before they finally got it right?  And of the first people to try it out- how many of them were reconstituted correctly?  I see early versions putting people back together all willy-nilly...as early models would only account for overall body mass and composition, not limb or organ placement, which spells immediate death upon arrival.

Yea...as cool as it sounds, no transporters for yours truly.  How do you know where you're really going?  I could see them transporting undesirables to some site off-planet...a site that is NOT hermetically sealed or given an atmosphere that is comparable to Earth's.  lol

Sir Ancelyn:
Yeah. Doc McCoy had it right. And the scene from Star Trek 2 when the new first officer was not well reassembled gave me the creeps as a kid.
Testing that would take either someone with no fear, or someone with nothing left to fear.

Sir William:
Or convicts...lol

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-10-06, 19:32:02 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-10-01, 11:15:51 ---http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204226204576602524023932438.html
Interesting article about a self-made man, a wildcat oil driller that says America will be the next OPEC. We could conceivably drill our way out of debt within ten years and our administration wants to develop ‘green’ technology? -  Really? :o

Perhaps in the next several months we’ll hear more and more people moving to North Dakota for work.  ;)

--- End quote ---

You do realize that the oil reserves are finite?  That they will run out eventually?  W/out greener technology, we could quickly find ourselves in a seeming backwash of antiquity...all of the millions of cars on the road become instant junk relics, and we'd all have to make do with electric cars.  I vote for a return to horseback riding as a means of regular transportation.

--- End quote ---

+1 on horses, but at 100 miles round trip, I think Sir Edward and I would have a rather tedious commute to say the least.

For the Star Trek teleporter thing ... look up "The Philadelphia Project", for fun. It talks about a teleporting ship that had some of the crew members fused to the hull when it returned. Fiction, Non-Fiction, I dunno, but it's a fun story nonetheless.


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