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mdrf this sat?
Sir Edward:
I'll only be there tomorrow (the 15th). I haven't decided if I'm armoring up. I might do armor light, or maybe pull out my mid-14th gear, I don't know. I have some faire newbies showing up tomorrow as well, and it's always easier to drag people around when wearing something more comfortable, but the armor always blows them away too.. :)
Well, as it turns out, my lady has a family obligation, so she can't make this weekend. She is going to try for closing weekend though. I will be there, probably the 16th. In armour. I'll be wearing my new surcoat with the maille kit.
Sir Edward:
I'm doing 14th C. tomorrow (on the 15th). I'll have to catch you guys on closing weekend I guess.
Sir Brian:
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-10-14, 20:51:28 ---Well, as it turns out, my lady has a family obligation, so she can't make this weekend. She is going to try for closing weekend though. I will be there, probably the 16th. In armour. I'll be wearing my new surcoat with the maille kit.
--- End quote ---
Cool! I'll be there in armor light. I'll bring my hollow earth waster instead of my Maryland 'special' so we can have a little impromptu practice session! Oh and I’ll also bring your spurs so we can fit them properly to your feet for your upcoming ceremony! ;)
You can bring wooden swords in the faire?
And thanks Sir Brian!
I'll now go get some practice in for tomorrow! :D
Sir James, will you be there as well?
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