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mdrf this sat?

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Sir Edward:

I might only make it on the 15th, but I'm not sure yet. Still depends on how things are looking at work.

Sir William:
I meant to make it last week and couldn't get out the door...I have a wedding to attend on the 16th so if I do come, it'd be on the 15th, but that's not set in stone.

Sir James A:
I got a call today from the seamstress and my surcoat would not be done in time for the 16th. Between my many issues, Sir William's wedding attendance, and Sir Edward's unknown work requirement, it seems a very good thing that my ceremony is postponed since that would mean 2 of the only 3 knights would likely not be attending. :)

Tentative date is now be the same day as Sir Nathan's (Nov 19th) and the same, or at least same town, location.

I think I'll be in attendance the 16th, with my lady hopefully  :)
Sir James, I'll see if I can get that macehead handed off to you there.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-10-09, 11:45:30 ---Here is a photo our mutual friend Wayne took of us and posted on FB.  :)

--- End quote ---

I like Sean Hayes's comment on it on facebook. He said "Good Lord! It's Die Manessesche Liederhandschrift come to life!"

"Die Manessesche Liederhandschrift" is another name for Codex Manesse. I have a copy of that on order, and it should be here any day now. It was created around 1340, and is one of the main period sources of imagery we have that depicts great helms with large crests.

Here's a google search for Codex Manesse images:


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