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A truly sad day - Mercenary's Tailor is closed

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Oh my, this is terrible.   :'(

I will dearly miss Allan and his product. I am lucky to have almost a full plate kit by him, and it's awesome work. I speak in seriousness when I state that I couldn't have kits of the quality that I have without his superb work. His care for the customer allowed a teenager to live his passion and peruse his hobby. 

Sir Matthew:
I was very sad to hear this. I started slowly saving up to get order an Almain Collar, I really liked the look of it from his website and thought it would go nice with a Buff Coat for a Border Riever impression. Now I have no idea where to get one, I might have to substitute a simple gorget for it, maybe with spalders to complete the look, but it's still not really the same. Oh, well, the only constant is change.

Sir Ulrich:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-09-27, 22:43:45 ---It definitely wasn't unexpected, but it's one of those things I hoped he could pull through. It's like when you have a sick, elderly relative - you know things are bad, you know things could take a turn for the worse at any point and you do what you can to make the best of the unknown time left, and yet, some days you just can't help but think things are going so well that they will get better and have many more years of life ... until you get the bad news.

I just took a look at the website. He has the out of business note on the front page now (he didn't earlier), but I'm 99% sure the pricing of items has been adjusted (upwards, as they should have been). I'm not sure what to make of that; maybe it happened a few weeks ago and I just didn't catch it. It's "Right Click > Save As" time for me now, he has a lot of period original pieces and I don't want to see those pics or the pics of his work vanish.

What makes me even sadder is that (as of now) he wants to walk away from armoring entirely, and has no plans to do it on the side, even raising prices and taking less sales at a higher profit. I like his work and I'd pay higher for it because I know it's done well and his articulation and craftsmanship are unmatched for the price - which, of course also led to the situation he's in now. :(

Sir Ulrich, lots of places to get simple knee and elbow cops. Depends on if you want them plain or fancy, mild or stainless. Let me know which kind you want, and I can point you towards a few options.

--- End quote ---
Well I just want simple ones that replicate something thats functional yet looks genuine. Not looking for stainless really as I want my stuff to "age" in appearance unless it was blackened. Only thing is I want it to fit me, not be some pre-made indian sweatshop stuff... So I guess I'd be looking for a quality product.

Sir Edward:

I wanted to order a couple of his shields. He does a fantastic job on those. *sigh*, guess I need to stick to Windlass or something.

Sir William:
This is a huge blow to enthusiasts like us...he's the only armorer offering this level of quality at THIS pricepoint.  I agree with Sir Edward, he undercharged by a bit at the least...and he was a good guy, easy to talk to, conscientious about completing orders and keeping his customers happy.  I am quite saddened to hear this, although I am not surprised it doesn't lessen the impact any.


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