Main > The Courtyard

ahhahahaha kicka$$

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Sir James A:
I bet it's a riot to watch, and it's definitely a different take than the usual. But

--- Quote ---Jeremy Oneail has been a competitive sword fighter for 20 years and has won national and international titles in nine countries
--- End quote ---

depending on what those titles are, that might be pretty impressive.

James Barker:
Jeremy is a knight in the SCA who has moved more into competitive jousting and sword fighting at home and abroad. I met him at Pennsic one year he is a nice guy with a good sense of humor.

Sir Edward:

Cool, I've never met him, so I don't what he does. I know there are some jousters in the WMA community as well.

Sir William:
So....anyone pick this up yet?  Hating the title.  lol

Watch the video clip on the KoA page.  The blood effects are pretty funny...


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