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James I hope this helps. I have been working on my first one. I still have some final sewing to do.

Sir Rodney:
Nice little tutorial ECOX, thank you!  :)

--- Quote from: James de Avesnes ---Hi I'm new here, so this may have been answered before.  How does one make a trace and mantling?  Specifically, what materials were they made of and are there specific patterns for different time periods.  Thanks for your time.
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Welcome and Well Met Good James!  I'm also very interested in learning if and how torse styling changed with the centuries.  Torse and mantling are well documented on great helms, sugarloaf helms, jousting helms and parade helms in historical context.  My specific question falls within James' broader scope; is torse and mantling historically proper for a mid-14th century English bascinet?  If so, can someone point to documentation?

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: James de Avesnes on 2011-09-14, 14:34:23 ---Hi I'm new here, so this may have been answered before.  How does one make a trace and mantling?  Specifically, what materials were they made of and are there specific patterns for different time periods.  Thanks for your time.
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--- Quote from: ECOX on 2011-09-15, 03:31:12 ---James I hope this helps. I have been working on my first one. I still have some final sewing to do.

--- End quote ---

Yep that’s the same pattern I based my torse on ECOX. I made some slight variations by using rope batting, which helped keep a uniform shape. My original mantle was two pieces of fabric in my primary metal and color of my COA. I sewed them together in a roughly 1’ X 2’ rectangle and then my wife did some creative pinning after I added it to the helm. My newest mantle is a core of thin leather sandwiched between two pieces of raw silk dyed in my primary metal and color. I cut the leather core in a more decorative pattern (a sort of wavy ringlets) and then had a seamstress sew the silk onto the leather.
Sorry I don’t have any updated pictures of my new mantle. I’m still using my original torse though!

Original mantle & torse:

Sir William:
ECOX, nice man, nice...did you make that armor stand yourself, by the way?

James de Avesnes:
Thanks everybody, for the input!  Hopefully I can get one setup here shortly.


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