Main > The Armoury

The "Albion" sword, by Albion

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-05-11, 18:41:57 ---
Apparently it's on the truck. But that truck driver is making me wait all day, it would seem. Ahhh, delivery companies, my eternal nemeses.

--- End quote ---

When they finally brought it, they didn't even knock. I looked outside and there it was... but sure enough it took all day.

Pictures soon to come.

Sir Wolf:
and then?

hehehe good thing they know where you live ;) remember when they sent mail to your address saying your address didn't exsist hehehe

Sir Edward:
Nothing is forgotten. Nothing is ever forgotten.

"It is Albion. One of the Seven Swords of Wayland the Smith. Charged by him with the powers of light and darkness."

Sir Wolf:
please tell me the tip isnt actually in the dirt?!! hehehe awesome man. cool set up for the picture. is the blade shiney from the reflection of your ever smile now that u own it?

Sir Edward:

Nope, I held the point in the grass above the dirt. I know better. :)


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