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WMAW 2011

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Sir James A:
I was conflicted on it since it was so close to our originally scheduled honeymoon trip to England. By the time "we" decided we could push back the trip to England a bit so I could go to WMAW, registration was already closed. :( I cheered myself up a bit by spending the registration money on armor, but it's not the same.

Sir Edward, have a great time!

Das Bill:
Phew, I'm stressing out getting all of the last minute things done for WMAW. Not only am I teaching two classes, but it turns out I'm going to be taking over Tom's Bolognese classes because he isn't able to go, and I still am preparing my class notes for those. I'm heading out tomorrow morning at 5.

The Deed of Arms was invitation only, as this is the first year it's being done. I suspect future events will have it open to anyone who wants to participate. I'm one of the challengers for the Deed, so I'll be fighting in it.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2011-09-13, 20:29:28 ---The Deed of Arms was invitation only, as this is the first year it's being done. I suspect future events will have it open to anyone who wants to participate. I'm one of the challengers for the Deed, so I'll be fighting in it.

--- End quote ---

That's what I assumed, but I never got a straight answer. Greg never replied, and John O'Meara simply replied with the PDF announcement.

I packed my banner just in case, but I've been assuming I'll be watching... in full harness. lol :)

Sir William:
Is there any other way to watch such an event but in full harness?  You never know if you might be called in...

Where do you guys go to get this "training" you speak of, I keep hearing you guys say you take sword fighting classes etc. Where at? I am interested.


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