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14th Century Plaque belts

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Sir Brian:

I believe someone on this forum originally posted this link for these. I'm really tempted to order some of these to make a plaque belt.
Anyone have any additional sources for these plaques so I can do some comparison shopping?  :)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Sir Brian,
These guys do some nice plates. If you have a good look around the site I`m sure they sell the plates seperate somewhere.


Sir Brian:
Excellent suggestion Sir Gerard! I'll drop them a line inquiring if they would be interested in selling me 20 - 25 of their griffin plaques! :)

Sir Rodney:
Check out Raymond's Quiet Press as well.

Sir William:
RQP is good...I actually bought a couple sets of spurs from him, 11th and 13th C.


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