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Help me decide on a shield!

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--- Quote from: ECOX on 2011-08-26, 03:27:38 ---What about the Teutonic  Heater Shield 22 x 34 Stock #30107 $50.00. I little more but ready to go and matches your tabbard. On this subject, what is best to paint these with. Note it will be non combat only for show at ren faires.

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OOOOO!! Good spot sir ecox!! I didnt see that one!! If its not the right size/style i could just paint one of the blanks correct?

Sir Edward:

I think it depends on how durable you want it to be, and how period of a look you want. I think flat acrylics or oil-based paints might get the best period look, as compared to enamels and spray paints. But the latter will be much more durable. And spray-paint with stencils is pretty easy if you're not good with a brush.

But the hardest thing about spray and a stencil is that the paint tends to puff under the stencil, so it's hard to get sharp edges unless you use a stencil adhesive. The adhesive sprays into the underside of the stencil, and sticks it in place. But it's non-permanent (like the adhesive on clear scotch tape), and peels off.

I did this on my shield, and because of the curvature, the stencil still popped up on me, and I still got excess paint. I cleaned it up with an x-acto knife, lightly scraping off the paint I didn't want.

But if you know what you're doing with a brush (specifically how to brush without leaving ugly streaks), you can go that route as well.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-08-24, 23:18:46 ---That is what everyone is saying to buy, Sir James  :)

Id go with that one too

--- End quote ---

I was being sarcastic / joking. :)

Anyways subject of armor the cuirass i was going to get is 18 guage steel, is that thick thin strong or what

Sir Patrick:
I painted mine with acrylics and then top-coated with three coats of water-based, flat polyurethane.  I used painter's tape to do the chevron, but I free-handed the ciquefoils and ermines.  One word of advice:  prime the whole thing, paint the charges first, then fill in the background (keeps the base color from bleeding through).


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