Main > The Armoury

Help me decide on a shield!

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Hmmm 30018 is good but what would be a good size in your opinions?

Sir Matthew:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-08-24, 23:18:46 ---That is what everyone is saying to buy, Sir James  :)

Id go with that one too

--- End quote ---

I was odd man out as I suggested the round shields. But, I'm biased toward that style  ;)

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-08-24, 19:53:29 ---I'm going to disagree with the group and say go with the 22x34 heater shield.

--- End quote ---


^ LOL I like how we can hear you laughing in the background but that part was pretty hillarious

What about the Teutonic  Heater Shield 22 x 34 Stock #30107 $50.00. I little more but ready to go and matches your tabbard. On this subject, what is best to paint these with. Note it will be non combat only for show at ren faires.



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