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Help me decide on a shield!

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I am going for a fantasy/late medieval/crusades look. For the fantasy part I am going to be getting these pauldrons:  (some people say it looks fantasy but thats opionion of some you may not think so)

My suit at the moment consists of this

Long chain shirt (long sleeve) it goes to mid thigh
Chain chausses
Chain coif
Great helm ( the one Sir Edward has)
and this tabbard (got it from girlfriend for annivesery haha)

But anyways to the shields here are my options  (any of them aside from the round shields)

Sir Matthew:
Those paldrons look very 16th Century. I would say you are definitely mixing your time periods which is fine for fantasy armor and if you are putting together a kit of bits you like. I think one of the two round shields at the bottom would look very cool with that. But I am also more partial to that style than the heater or kite shield styles. Again, this should be a matter of what you think is cool to match your armor. You could always go no shield and carry two weapons, a sword and warhammer would look really sweet with your kit  ;)

Sir Wolf:

Heater Shield Blank 22 inch by 34 inch  Stock #  30018  $25.00

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-08-24, 12:08:53 ---
Heater Shield Blank 22 inch by 34 inch  Stock #  30018  $25.00

--- End quote ---

Agreed. :)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Thirded  ;)


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