Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Earthquake on US east coast
Sir Patrick:
Just another reason to walk around in full armour!
Sir William:
Indeed...I thought it was a terrorist attack at first. I'd read this book earlier this year, The Hammer of Eden by Ken Follett where these eco-terrorists stole a seismic vibrator, positioned it over a fault line and caused large tracts of land to shift and crumble, yada yada yada - its a crazy idea but it wouldn't be the first time someone tried something crazy. Like flying planes into skyscrapers.
Sir James A:
Sir William, you're not far off from my second thought - we're approaching the 10th year of 9/11 - and it almost seemed a "test run" of things to come, assuming that our "earthquake machine" in Alaska is truly capable of such feats and that the tech has been reproduced elsewhere.
My first thought was "Wait, what? Earthquake?". Apparently I was in the car driving to lunch. Didn't feel or see a thing. I had no idea until I got 2 text messages about it from my dad. He said it's the largest one since the late 1800s, for Virginia. As far as status here on top of the mountain, almost nothing as a visible indicator - only a couple lego-sized knights in my display cabinet were knocked over, which could have even been from the cats jumping on top of the cabinet. My brother in law's parents were not so lucky - they had windows break and some other damage (they are in PA).
Red Knight - indeed!
Sir Edward:
Yeah, the layout of the underlying geology in the area transmitted the energy to the northeast much greater than it did in any other direction. They felt it all the way up into NY and CT. Over here in Charles Town, it was just a heavy vibration. To the south, they didn't feel it much beyond NC.
Sir Ulrich:
I felt it, I was like WTF why is everything shaking. Then I got up and was like "time to leave" I and then it stopped... But it was strange...
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