Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Earthquake on US east coast

(1/4) > >>

Sir Edward:


I hope everyone is safe. We don't usually get earthquakes like this on the east coast. It's rare to get something much higher than 2.5, which you'd be lucky to even notice.

But it does make me wonder. How common were earthquakes in medieval Europe? How would they have reacted to it?

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
I hope everyone is safe.

Sir Rodney:
That is a very good question!  What a great time to lay siege; the walls were already weakened.  :)

Sir Wolf:
doing fine, but there is a large fog coming out of the mts....OMG there huge bat like insects ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hehehe

Frater de Beaumanoir:
Best wishes to those of you who were discomforted by the disturbance, and I hope all is well.

As for quakes in the Middle Ages, I know that the Holy Land experienced several during the time of the Crusades, damaging key fortifications.


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