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Photos from the event "Battle of Wisby 650 years, 1361-2011"
Sir Brian:
Fantastic pictures! Thanks for sharing Ivan! :)
--- Quote from: Syr William on 2011-08-17, 15:18:54 ---... I have a few more years of that sort of activity before I'll need to make way for the younger generations.
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You only have a few more years? Man where does that leave an ancient codger like me? ;)
Sir William:
I apologize- that statement can be taken any number of ways based on your own individual perception. A few more years equates to less than much as I should like it, I do not think I'll be sitting a horse in full armor at 70. But I shall try when that time comes. No, I was thinking more along the lines of the age 50, where I will be in a little over 13 years.
I figure my skills will start to wane then; whether I will it or no. :)
Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Great Photo`s Ivan, and not a sallet in sight. :D
Sir Brian:
--- Quote from: Syr William on 2011-08-17, 19:10:52 ---I apologize- that statement can be taken any number of ways based on your own individual perception. A few more years equates to less than much as I should like it, I do not think I'll be sitting a horse in full armor at 70. But I shall try when that time comes. No, I was thinking more along the lines of the age 50, where I will be in a little over 13 years.
I figure my skills will start to wane then; whether I will it or no. :)
--- End quote ---
NP there certainly was no offense taken, I was just ribbing you a bit! ;)
But 50! Yikes that means I've only got a couple of years left! :o
... oh and NO Sir Wolf I am NOT going to sell off my stuff because I hit mandatory retirement age! :P
Sir William:
50s not mandatory retirement age...just that I think it'll be mine. You see, I'm of smaller build, my body's not nearly as large or durable as yours Sir Brian. You look like you could still strangle horses for a living if ever there was such a calling. lol
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