Main > The Campaign

Photos from the event "Battle of Wisby 650 years, 1361-2011"

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Sir Ulrich:
I wouldn't mind helping make our own reenactment society for medieval battles. Sure would beat the club battles of the SCA or the boffer weapon battles with my friends >_> Though it would certainly be more... dangerous...

Sir Edward:

An excuse to hit people with weapons? Sounds fun. :)

Sir William:
Sounds like we're all in thus far...I say we move forward- lets do this!  Doesn't Wolf have a tract of land we could use as a battleground somewhere out in the boonies (WVa lol)?  I seem to recall him mentioning it as an aside...maybe when we were talking about the old VARF and its grounds.  Hell, I'd be down for trying to hold it there...its more or less been abandoned, right?

Sir Brian:
Either locations can work and I will remind everyone that MASHS free play Sundays in Annapolis is available if anyone wants to work the rust out of their blade techniques leading up to any event we may eventually schedule.  :)

Sir William:
You mean, I can come by and maybe get some practice in with you players?


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