Main > The Courtyard

Falcata Tennis

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Sir Gerard de Rodes:
That looks like great fun  ;D

We have a little "squire training" game similar to pick up sticks. Each person takes it in turn to flip a small piece of wood from the floor with the tip of thier sword, as it falls back to the ground they swing at it. The object is to firstly hit it, secondly hit it as far as possible, thirdly to chop it, but most of all to have fun.


Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Syr William on 2011-08-15, 19:07:39 ---Why was his ear bleeding- exertion or landed blow?

--- End quote ---

He took some blows that rammed his fencing mask against his ear-lobe on that side, and apparently split it open.

Sir William:
Ow...heard that.

Sir Wolf:
chicks dig scars. it'll heal ;)

Sir William:
True that, Sir Wolf!


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