Main > The Armoury

Maille rings

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Sir Ulrich:
Ok so I ordered some rings from GDFB 2 months ago and they still haven't come. I am gonna call them tomorrow to cancel the order because I for one am tired of waiting for something I could easily get elsewhere. Anyone know any other good sources of riveted maille rings that I can order to replace the rings that are damaged in my hauberk. (only a few rings are missing rivets, maybe around roughly 10 or 15). I don't mind them not matching the rest of the hauberk as long as they got a blackened texture on them I'm not too picky about what kind of rivet they have as long as I can buy a riveting tool cheaply.. Debating on just getting them from Icefalcon cause I know if I order them there I WILL get them...

Sir William:
I believe Icefalcon's the one to go to these days...I think Rautskegg knows him; I think it is.

I wonder what the hold up is with GDFB though, they're usually very good at getting product out, or so I thought.

Sir Edward:
Yeah, I back-ordered some through KoA months ago, and still no word. No idea what's going on.

This was with the Sugarloaf helm that I ended up selling to Ser William. That gives you an idea of the time-frame.

Sir William:
Wow...I've had that myself for two months now.  :)

Hey, the Hauberk I ordered is GDFB. Came in less than a week.


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