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Sword and heater shield.

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Sir Wolf:
lol the AA isn't all SCAians ;) i was there when it was Matt's virtual anvil while I ran Arador Armour Library

B. Patricius:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2013-04-17, 23:49:48 ---lol the AA isn't all SCAians ;) i was there when it was Matt's virtual anvil while I ran Arador Armour Library

--- End quote ---

Sir Wolf, you sir ran Arador Armour Library!?! You good sir, are exactly why I am into all of this.  I knew it was possible, but it was finding Arador Armour Library last summer that showed me how to make it happen.  For that, I truly thank you, sir.  *formal salute and bow*

Sir Wolf:
now i didnt start it. i ran it during college when the original guy backed out. vistar/eric ran it after me and then it stopped.

B. Patricius:
thanks for the clarification Sir Wolf.  Still, it's greatly appreciated whatever part you had in it.  The armourarchive was a forum with some patterns, it was arador that had them in an easy to follow for complete n00bs.  It was very helpful in the beginning when I was teaching myself from scratch.

Sir James A:
Yep, AA isn't just SCAdians, some of us are over there too that don't do anything SCA. SCAdians are common there, but it's not *only* them - and many of the discussions aren't SCA specific either. :)


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