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Sword and heater shield.

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Interesting that they are shown with swords. They appear to be wearing plate legs, with a bascinet and mail. Possibly with plate under their jackets? Do you think they considered swords a viable option for killing each other? Is it a duel, tournament or war? I wonder why they don't have plate on their arms?

What document did that illustration comes from?

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-08-11, 20:18:10 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-08-11, 19:22:21 ---Well it's only paint! Besides don't you think our shields maybe a little too pristine?  ;)

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Ugh. Those charges were a pain to do, and they'd scrape right off. I'd rather get a second shield to beat up. :)

Then again, I still have my templar shield. I wouldn't mind beating that one up. It's the one whose photo I used to make the various shield images used as logos on this site (and on the cafepress shop), including the little icon next to the URL in your web browser. :)

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Rule of SCA thumb, one heater for show & one ready to go. They are not meant to be pretty all the time. Feel free to wreck them on an opponent in conjunction with any one-handed instrument of choice. I will happily fight with round and/or heater though I prefer a round shield in actual SCA combat. The heraldry paint of my shield will look just as nice imprinted or transferred upon my opponent's armor. :) I'm sure Lord Rodney can relate. 

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2011-08-14, 10:07:10 ---Good and valid point. I wonder just how structured and frequent that sort of training is for law enforcement crowd control?

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I'll answer that one first hand, Sir Brian. Those techniques are now common place in most law enforcement training academies especially focused for crowd control although they will always vary from agency to agency as to what works best. Specialized teams use them more frequently but they have been become standard for most police practicioners / line officers.

I would like to see more uniformity amongst my brethren in what is most efficient in the role we play. These drills need to be planned, prepared, and rapidly deployed with the utmost discipline and efficiency under the most stressful situations. Romans did it best but unfortunately their enemies caught on & mastered their trade secrets of what made them elite. 

Sir William:
Truly, but the Romans were facing opposing armies, and you're having to deal with the unruly rabble.  I imagine some of those smash and bash techniques aren't used quite as vociferously as they might have done in antiquity- if only because you're not trying to kill these people, just get them back into line, so to speak.

All that to say, the mob probably isn't going to analyze and effectively combat your present tactical situation.  Hope not, anyways.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-02-20, 18:05:21 ---Truly, but the Romans were facing opposing armies, and you're having to deal with the unruly rabble.  I imagine some of those smash and bash techniques aren't used quite as vociferously as they might have done in antiquity- if only because you're not trying to kill these people, just get them back into line, so to speak.

All that to say, the mob probably isn't going to analyze and effectively combat your present tactical situation.  Hope not, anyways.

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Unruly rabble most often is stupid drunks just like Real Romans. :)


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