Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
List of interesting castles
Sir Edward:
Top 15 Amazing & Mysterious Castle Pictures
Some nice pictures and historical snippets here.
Sir William:
Wow, those are COOL.
Sir Rodney:
I'd never heard of Predjama Castle (Slovenia) before. It's built into a cliff cave (similar to Mesa Verde), how cool is that! 8)
Sir Wolf:
cool, some of those i have been in and a few others i have seen on tv or pictures. some i havent seen at all. very cool finding.
Sir James A:
I knew the castle from the Highlander movies at first sight. I have a 24"x36" of Neuschwanstein on my bedroom wall. I'd love to have Bodiam or Osaka castle. :D
Sir Rodney, I believe Predjama was a spot that Ghost Adventures / Ghost Hunters has been to. I know they did a castle in a cliff, and I believe it was Romanian / Hungarian. Ghost Hunters recently did a 17th century castle yesterday, but I missed the episode.
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