Main > The Armoury

Chain shirt sag

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Sir Wolf:
dont remove it, do like joe metz did, so u have mail on the back of the hands attached to a glove

well I already have maille gauntlets. And I will have to alter the sleeves after all  ::) :P

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-08-10, 00:13:40 ---You can also see it at the wrist and I think (I may be wrong here) at the bicep. Mathew Paris's Drawing of a Praying Crusader (1250) has them.

--- End quote ---

I've seen ties at the wrists and elbow too, over the years, but I haven't a clue what source they were from. I know it was period drawings, though. Just a simple brown line. I think one of them showed the lacing at the wrist with mufflers slit in the palm, too.


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