Main > The Armoury

Well, I got my chainmail chaps

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Matthew on 2011-08-10, 22:33:03 ---Ser William the boots you are referencing look very similiar to late 16th/17th century bucket top boots, but rolled up of course. I would say they would pass the 10 foot rule for that period, but I would be suspicious of them for earlier periods. As you say though, you are not in a reenactment group are doing this more for fun and general looks, so I think if you like them, they look periodish so go for it.

I had forgotten Viking Leather Crafts, though I have never dealt with them myself, I hear good things. Another place to look at is Reconstructing History. They have a limited selection of footwear, most for later periods, and clothing patterns for a wide variety of time periods. Prices are prettty decent, quality is good and they are very easy to deal with. I bought a pair of latchet shoes from them and am thinking of picking up another pair, open side instead of the closed side I got this time, and a pair of Kuhlmale Landsknecht shoes.

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I know what boots you're talking about, Matthew (bucket top) but those were not it...knee high at best and close to the leg.  However, I get the feeling I'll be catching a lot of haze from Sir Wolf so maybe I'll go with something else.  I just like the higher boots.

Leganoth, that's a good choice in boots...I may go with the same, in natural or brown.

You could pull off higher boots with a 15th century kit. Later in the century some knights liked a 3/4 harness and boots to accessorize!

Sir William:
I'm working my way through the started somewhere in the 10th and have been making steady progress.  I'm aiming at 14th C squarely in the nose, currently.  :)

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-08-11, 19:27:32 ---You could pull off higher boots with a 15th century kit. Later in the century some knights liked a 3/4 harness and boots to accessorize!

--- End quote ---

you can? hehehe are you swiss? only place i've seen that look. otherwise high boots are seen are horsemen only in their everyday clothing

Sir Matthew:
Bucket tops can be rolled up to just below the knee or rolled down to form the trade mark cuff that is ussually pictured. My Captain has a pair and says they are really comfortable, but I have my doubts. I really like my Brohgans for fit, support and comfort, although I did cheat and put in a modern insole. I also have a pair of RH closed side latchets, but I don't much care for them. They feel a little too much like wearing sandles for my taste. I have a really old pair of Sandler mid calf high boots that I love, they are really comfortable and supportive, but I need to have them resoled after ten years of abuse. I also have a pair of ankle boots and curley toed shoes and like them as well.


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