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New Shield Project.

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One of the challenges I was given as a CYnaguan Guardsman was to complete a project & to challenge myself as a fighter. I will be able to do both by making a centergrip round , so soon I will be starting on it.

Will keep ya all posted.

BTW hand sewing a linen coif sucks.


Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Ivan ---BTW hand sewing a linen coif sucks.
--- End quote ---
:) :) ;)
Funny thing is I took out some linen last night, opened up my sewing kit and thought "I don't want to do this to myself tonight". I put everything away and grabbed a book instead. ;D

Sir Edward:

What is this hand-sewing you speak of? :)

I don't have squires or seamstresses. So I use a machine. 'Nuff said. :)

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-08-09, 13:44:00 ---
What is this hand-sewing you speak of? :)

I don't have squires or seamstresses. So I use a machine. 'Nuff said. :)

--- End quote ---

That 'Machine' Sir Edward is referring to is a wondrous contraption some of us possess that is inhabited by industrious but miscreant gnomes who will rapidly sew almost anything you may desire however in order to get the gnomes to work at all you must continuously lambast them with an unending stream of profanities...well that’s how my sewing machine works at least!  :D

Sir William:
At least you have a sewing


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