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Anyone else going to Pennsic

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Sir Wolf:
how did u get kim to let u get another shirt? its like what your 4th riveted shirt? heheh i only have 2 riveted and a butted one hehehe

James Barker:
It is my third, I picked it up off a guy selling on the archive board. The maille is from the same importer that Ice Falcon and Historic Enterprises buys from but this guy is selling it at a much lower price so could not pass it up.

Sir Rodney:
Holy "flat wedge-riveted haubergeon and matching flat wedge-riveted coif for $400" Batman!  What a great deal!  :o

I won't be but Prince Achilles of Sparta and Princess Esmeralda Of The lakes of Cynagua will be.

James Barker:

--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2011-08-03, 21:31:50 ---Holy "flat wedge-riveted haubergeon and matching flat wedge-riveted coif for $400" Batman!  What a great deal!
--- End quote ---

Yes it is that is why I could not pass it up. I plan to tailor the shirt to double for both Hastings and early crusader. Long sleeves, attached the coif (I have a top at home I will use and keep the coif) and I will make mufflers I can attach for later stuff and remove for Hastings.


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