Main > The Armoury

Ulrich's next big purchase

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Sir Matthew:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-08-01, 16:16:04 ---I would lean towards replacing non-period items before buying more period items. It's easier for someone to look and say "hey, not period" than it is for them to say "you dont have a coif" (if everything else is period). I wore my "3/4" armor to VARF and one of the comments was "why is that guy wearing pirate boots?" (because my greaves and sabatons weren't done :()

--- End quote ---

Yeah, it's nice to have all the cool armor, but if you don't have period shoes or the pants that are showing under it are not period, it does tend to ruin the impression. Plus, it's nice to have the under clothes (pants, shirt, doublet/singlet) to wear when it is too hot to go armor or you just don't feel like going to the trouble of the armor.

Sir Wolf:
ya definitely start replacing no period stuff with period stuff. you will feel better about your self in the morning.

Sir Ulrich:
Then the underwear and chausses package it is, my gambeson is being worn under maille anyway so it shouldn't be THAT big of a deal. Don't want to go to another faire in those ridiculously baggy pants that cover up my period footwear and are too long for my legs. Now what color to get, I think I'm gonna go with black but is there a way to make my order have one red one black? Or maybe I should just go for red?

Sir William:
To put it into perspective, no one's going to see your smallclothes except you (and that lucky lady) but the other bits people DO see...those you should see to first.  Then try to go 'all period' as it were.  I still have to do the underthings, but other things come footwear, and pants.  I have a pair of wide leg riding pants but I don't particularly like them.  Hard to find pants I like.

Sir Edward:
In a way, I think to avoid the criticism, it's almost better to wear "medievalish fantasy" stuff, than to have something that's clearly the wrong period. The "pirate boots" comment is a great example.

But it all depends on what people can see. I often use 15th C. joined hose, even with my 13th/14th kits. But unless you look up into the crotch area, under the surcoat and mail, you're not going to see that they're joined.


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