Main > The Armoury

Sir Joshua's Surpirise Kit

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Sir Ulrich:
If i were you I'd go for a riveted maille shirt. Unless you don't want riveted maille. You could do what I'm doing with my kit and start out as a foot soldier and work your way up.

Sir Matthew:
That CoP looked really nice. Does he make and sell it or was that just to show what he had made?

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---f i were you I'd go for a riveted maille shirt.
--- End quote ---

Yep, that is what I found out.  Thanks.

--- Quote ---That CoP looked really nice. Does he make and sell it or was that just to show what he had made?
--- End quote ---

No, he makes that and sells it.  I have considered to get that instead of the ringmaile coat.

I am designing this suit to be what a full Kit would look like for a Knight in the 1360's the time of the Early Hundred Years War.  Specifically the Castilian Civil War which lasted three years, 1366-1369.

This leaves me at the dilemma of going for a regular Great Helm or the Pembridge/Pembroke Great Helm.  I am aware that around the 1350's the Great Helm was loosing it's popularity on the battlefield due to the Bascinet's growing popularity at the time (If I have to, I will order a open face bascinet helmet to go with the Great Helm or a Cervelliere Helmet).

Sir Edward:

Yeah, by the mid 14th, the great helms had pretty much evolved into more of the round-topped Pembridge style, and were usually worn over a proto-bascinent sort of cap that was integrated into the coif. This is hard to do with off-the-shelf gear. The helms can be found online, but not so much in the way of these proto-bascinents that will fit inside. So most people just end up wearing a regular coif, I think.

Sir Wolf:
ya go for a riveted shirt. i'm a fan of a coat of plates, ring mail shirts are not very historical if at all.


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