Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Grail myths
Sir Edward:
10 Possible Resting Places of the Holy Grail
Sir Edward:
The Man Who Found the Holy Grail
Sir James A:
I don't recall on what, but I saw something this past weekend where someone claimed to have found the grail. It was a small, pottery-ish cup. He said he followed clues from this and that, which led to a statue of an eagle, and when they tried to remove the statue for analysis, it broke and contained the one small cup. The description of the cup matched the biblical one. I wish I had caught what preceded it, but I was busy weaving mail.
Personally, my money is on oak island. Over 200 years and no one has been able to go down "just" 100 feet to verified (by GPR) objects? Sounds Templar/Masonic all right. :)
Sir Patrick:
Personally, my money is on oak island. Over 200 years and no one has been able to go down "just" 100 feet to verified (by GPR) objects? Sounds Templar/Masonic all right.
"It's a trap!"
Sir William:
LOL @ the SW reference
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