Main > The Armoury

Alternative to mittens in full hauberks

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Sir Ulrich:
I am planning to make mittens myself, just need a source for a pair of leather mittens I can sew the maille onto. For now I'm going to make due with these leather gauntlets I have.

That would be the pain with mittens  :P

I plan to wear them with the plates over the Hauberk.
The look I'll be making is the early transitional Maille with minor plate reinforcements.
I'll be wearing those with these on my elbows. So I should be able to pop them off real quick. Any problems as far as movement or fit is concerned?

Sir Edward:

Nope, they move pretty well. No problem opening and closing the hands at all. The only thing is that the cuff might flop around on you a bit. It might actually be nice to run a cord through the back edge of the cuff and tie it closed around your forearm, so it behaves more like a vambrace. I don't know if that would work or not. But as-is, I feel it's like the French Taunter in Monty Python, with the cuffs flapping open as you tap the top of your head. :)

Sir Wolf:
heheh giggling over mental image

Haha, Teutonic Taunterbruden!


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