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Alternative to mittens in full hauberks

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Sir Edward:
We rarely see people do integrated mittens in full-length hauberks. For going to the renfaire in particular, it seems impractical when you want to be eating, using your wallet, etc.  (What's in YER wallet!? Grrrr! lol)

Of course, a lot of the time the mittens were designed to open at the wrist so you could pull your hand out. But you can't buy that off the rack these days.

I like what Joe Metz did with his, in this picture (a lovely anachronism of an image, and I love the caption):

It looks to me like fingerless gauntlets underneath full sleeves, with straps going around the palm.

I think that's actually quite period for the early-mid twelfth century.
And Since I'll be doing early 14th century, I'll be sporting a pair of these.


Sir Wolf:
wait what do you mean no one has mail gloves on at ren faires? i did all that work for nothing?

Sir Edward has a set of those that he took off the plate bracers. he still says they are a pain in the butt.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-07-28, 15:44:33 ---wait what do you mean no one has mail gloves on at ren faires? i did all that work for nothing?

--- End quote ---

I said rarely. You, my friend, are the exception, and not the rule. :)

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-07-28, 15:44:33 ---Sir Edward has a set of those that he took off the plate bracers. he still says they are a pain in the butt.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I took the plates off, and left the plain leather cuff. They work well enough like that. What really made them a pain is the way I used them. I was wearing the leather cuff underneath whatever vambraces the particular kit had. This made it look continuous (no gap at the wrist through which you could see skin), and it actually helped keep my splinted bracers in place. But what made it a pain was that I couldn't take them off without taking off the vambraces first, so at the renfaires, it made it really hard to access my wallet or to eat.

Sir Wolf:
what if you slit them at the palm or wrist? or just had a small 1/2 inch cuff as to cover the skin but not go under the vambracer?


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