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Valhalla Rising

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Lord Ciaran:
I suppose I would have liked it better if I had seen it having lower expectations.

Ridley Scott's "Robin Hood" has been one of my least favorite versions of RH because Scott kept talking about how historically acurate it was and that it would be the definitve RH. I think it was more how not to make a RH movie.

When "Knights Tale" came out , I thought it was serious movie. Thankfully I read the reviews before I saw it. I went into it knowing it was anachronistic and fun. I really liked that movie. I probably would have been very negative had I saw it thinking it was suppose to be a serious  movie.

Maybe I need to go back and watch Iron Clad with a less critical eye.

Sir Wolf:
haahhhhaha a man after my own heart lol

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-01-29, 19:31:42 ---I thought it was great; as I have often said, if you look for historicity in Hollywood, you will forever be disappointed.  If it were a documentary, I'd call it to task as well, but its just a movie, made for entertainment purposes only.

--- End quote ---

Perhaps the biggest key to enjoying medieval themed movies ... Movie vs Documentary. If you look for history in a movie, you're going to have a bad time. :)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-01-30, 00:09:14 ---
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-01-29, 19:31:42 ---I thought it was great; as I have often said, if you look for historicity in Hollywood, you will forever be disappointed.  If it were a documentary, I'd call it to task as well, but its just a movie, made for entertainment purposes only.

--- End quote ---

Perhaps the biggest key to enjoying medieval themed movies ... Movie vs Documentary. If you look for history in a movie, you're going to have a bad time. :)

--- End quote ---

Well stated Sir James. I watch movies for the entertainment value not the historical depiction which tends to be lacking or have something added to it for sensationalism. Documentaries are preferred for factual reference or academic research. But both tend to have a touch of Hollywood.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2013-01-30, 00:09:14 ---
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-01-29, 19:31:42 ---I thought it was great; as I have often said, if you look for historicity in Hollywood, you will forever be disappointed.  If it were a documentary, I'd call it to task as well, but its just a movie, made for entertainment purposes only.

--- End quote ---

Perhaps the biggest key to enjoying medieval themed movies ... Movie vs Documentary. If you look for history in a movie, you're going to have a bad time. :)

--- End quote ---

I should make that my sig line considering how often I've said it.  You're setting yourself up for disappointment if you're looking for that.

With that said, I find it somewhat odd that he liked Season of the Witch (which was absolutely horrible, special effects aside); Black Death was a gritty medieval horror but nothing about it was historic, except for the plague which also named the movie...I actually liked it for the ambience.  I liked Scott's RH too...again, nothing to do with historicity and everything to do with watching a good movie.

My favorite RH is the Kevin Costner one...that in itself would probably get me drummed right on out of a medieval society if I actually believed any of it.  Who is to say that one or the other has the right of it when they can't even prove he actually existed?  As far as I was concerned, Scott's RH had most of the principal characters, and I didn't mind the changing of the backstory (instead of being noble-born he's a commoner, but that's fitting) and I thought the setpiece battles were pretty good...altho you could tell Oscar Isaac had never really ridden before- at least not ride and wield a sword but hey, its a movie.

I liked A Knight's Tale too...I've seen it a few times, I like the jousting scenes, and I'm a big James Purefoy fan.


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