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Valhalla Rising

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Lord Ciaran:
I am the new guy here and this is my first post. I liked the first part of "Valhalla Rising" but the second part was a little out there. I enjoyed " Season of the Witch", but its far from accurate. "Black Death" was another I liked. And finally , I want to sue the producer of "Iron Clad" and get back the $10 and two hrs of my life lost on that.

Sir Brian:
You really didn't like Ironclad? - Why? It was reasonably accurate both with the armor and weapon usage and nominally close to actual historic events. ???

Lord Ciaran:
I thought going into Iron Clad I would really like it. It just fell short all the way around. Having James Porfoy and Paul Giamanti I figured it would be much better. I am disappointed with most movies that are supposed to be "based on a historic event". We can pick apart every movie , what is corect and was isn't, but they usually ruin the story or change it because they feel it's more dramatic. Real history is pretty dramatic and usually far better than the fictionalized versions we see.

Sir Wolf:

Sir William:
I thought it was great; as I have often said, if you look for historicity in Hollywood, you will forever be disappointed.  If it were a documentary, I'd call it to task as well, but its just a movie, made for entertainment purposes only.


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