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Helmet Padding


Sir Matthew:
I recently sent Allan at Mercenary's Taylor a couple of my helmets to get padded and have chin straps added and was really pleased with the work. The last padding I had in my kettle helm was closed cell foam, like you put around air conditioners covered with a canvas like fabric. It did the job ok, but looked really bad after a few seasons wear. I know that in the period a variety of padding and strap methods were used, depending on what kind of financial situation the soldier was in and what materials were available. This brings me to the question what have the rest of you done to line, pad and strap your helmets? Allan's work was first rate and well worth the money, has anyone else here had him do theirs? Just curious.

Did mine using a combo of EVA, Close Cell, & blue camp foam. It saves me head from whacking but is damn hot in this weather.

I want to do a period liner backed up with Sorbothane during the winter.

James Barker:
All of mine are linen with raw cotton lining. I had quilt them and attach them to leather bands on the inside of my salleds or by stitching them to tiny holes around the face openings in the case of a bascinet. You can see some pictures on my website under the armory section.

Sir William:
Matt, that's good news, didn't know Allan did that.  I'll keep it in mind.

Hey, I was thinking the below might be helpfull to y'all.

Strapping Helms in a Historical Manner By D. A. Biggs.

How to Make Horse Hair Helm Padding.

I would recommend that you add 1/4" of Sorbothane foam around the brow and in a cross over the top of the head as a CYA measure.

But if that doesn't float your boat then I would suggest some of Windrose Armoury's wonderful EVA foam in various thicknesses (which Is what I use till I can do the horsehair & Sorbothane thing).

As to strapping the helm I would personally recommend the below JPG with the addition of a finger loop off the bottom of the chin piece. It's what I us & I love it. Though it's not the most period thing it does work well & keep ones head in one piece.



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