Main > The Armoury

Fun with leatherwork, Testing Ideas

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Lord Rodney on 2011-07-19, 01:52:12 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-07-19, 00:40:39 ---very nice indeed!

next he'll be wanting to be knighted in his new leather fantasy bra and armour he's making ;) hehehheh

--- End quote ---

Shhhhhhhh.  Not so loud..

--- End quote ---

Well if Lord Rodney requires his knighting to be done by “proxy” I would suggest he selects you Sir Wolf as his surrogate, hey with all that weight loss you’ve accomplished I’m sure you will look quite fetching! ;)

Sir Edward:
A knight's most deadly weapon:  Photoshop. :)


Sir Wolf:
hahahah quick, gimme some ones! somebody get some $ones!!

Sir Rodney:
It's amazing how you were able to capture my girlish figure so well!  :)

Photoshop really does wonders with a persons measurements (41 years, 6'1", 245 stones lbs.).  ;)

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote ---It's amazing how you were able to capture my girlish figure so well!
--- End quote ---

Yes, and that roundel sheath is going to go perfectly with that ensamble! ;D


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