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Character Assassin gets his just deserts!
Sir Brian:
Sometimes our justice system really works. The waste of flesh described in this story was actually offered a plea bargain of just two years but arrogantly gambled that he’d get off even easier or totally scot-free. Hope he enjoys his 18 years of incarceration! ;D
Sir Rodney:
Yep, one of our finest here in the good old Twin Cities. ::) This has been big news locally, as you can well imagine. He deserves every minute he spends behind bars and I seriously hope that he receives professional help.
And in (somewhat) related news:
Our State government has now been unfunded for a national record 13 days, an embarrassment that most Minnesotan's are furious about. >:( Thank goodness a judge stepped in and decided the state prisons (among a few other things) are "critical infrastructure" and kept them open.
Now a group has sued saying the judge's ruling is unconstitutional and they want to shut down the State government in its entirety just to prove a political point! No state police, open up the prisons and let out level 3 sex offenders, shut down the unemployment office just after adding 22,000 state employees to the rolls, etc. Good times up here in Minnesota...
Sir Edward:
Wow, I'm glad that piece of crap is going away for a long time.
Sir William:
Wow, just wow...18 years seems steep; if it weren't for the kiddie porn (and the death threats) he probably would've gotten a year at best. As for those idiots who want to shut down state gov't to prove a point- what's the point? That the infrastructure could crumble in a short time? DUH!
Sir Edward:
This also makes me want to go home and throw away my wi-fi router. :)
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