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book suggestion needed for a friend

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Sir Wolf:

--- Quote ---Hey, can you suggest any good books that 1) give a military history of the crusades putting the battles and people in context and/or 2) describe what combat in the crusades was like for different groups of people from all sides?
--- End quote ---

what do you think?

dungeon fire and sword
barbarian controversy

what else?

Sir William:
Here's something for him to start with:

A History of the Crusades: Volume 1, The First Crusade and the Foundation of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (Cambridge University Press 1951)
A History of the Crusades: Volume 2, The Kingdom of Jerusalem and the Frankish East (Cambridge University Press 1952)
A History of the Crusades: Volume 3, The Kingdom of Acre and the Later Crusades (Cambridge University Press 1954)

I read the third one and have to go back and acquire (and read) the first two.  Kind of dry, but a must-read for any Crusader historian or enthusiast.

Frater de Beaumanoir:
For a good "down and dirty" feel to combat in the First Crusade, try the book Seige of Jerusalem by Conor Kostick.

Sir William:
On my list of books to acquire!  Now I just have to or paperback?  That Kindle is spoiling me!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Syr William on 2011-08-23, 16:14:17 ---On my list of books to acquire!  Now I just have to or paperback?  That Kindle is spoiling me!

--- End quote ---

I'm a tech guy, but for books I always try to go for paperback. Friends and family can borrow them to read, and there's no chance of it being dropped / broken / etc (unless you count bathtub droppage incidents - which would ruin the kindle too, and at a much higher price tag).


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