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Sir Wolf:
i haven't watched this movie in years. it's still a great fantasy flick

Sir Patrick:
Yeah, I liked that one.  Always felt it was underrated.

Sir William:
One of my favorites of all-time...who didn't want to be Madmartigan, eh?  This movie was like...watching my fantasies come to life; to me this was a way better movie than say, Legend...which could've been good, if it weren't so dumb.  lol

Ladyhawke's another good one, imho.

Sir Patrick:

--- Quote ---Ladyhawke's another good one, imho.
--- End quote ---

Me too!  I would love to see that one remade with a little more "historical" grit and a lot less Alan Parson Project soundtrack!

Sir William:
Agreed...although the soundtrack fit in with the fantasy of the 80s, if it were updated to be more period it would do wonders for the ambience I think.  Overall I enjoyed the movie...but the music would kill the mood at times.  I'd also like to see a more period-accurate swordfight with accurate swords instead of two actors hammering away with slick-looking pieces of rebar.  lol


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