Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Amazon cancels associates program in California

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Sir Rodney:
As posted on myArmoury:

myArmoury.com loses a source of income

Way to go California, squeeze the small guy for every penny yet don't ask those earning above $300,000 to participate.  Oh wait, that's my beloved state of Minnesota! ;)

Sir William:
That is a real shame...and I can understand both sides of the argument- but I've always been in favor of being fair.  If the little man is taxed a total of 22% of his salary, the big man should be as well...so what he has millions, the same percentage should still apply.

If we stick to percentages and not dollar amounts, it'd be more fair.  Just because Joe Blow is worth 80 million and he gives 2 mill to this or that- well hell, he still owes another 16 mill, give or take.  Needs to be comin up off that!

Poor folk like myself can barely fathom that much money- having never seen a million bucks all in one place EXCEPT on tv, I have no real concept of it.  Sad thing is, a million's not even a lot of money anymore...well, it is to me still.  lol

Sir Edward:
Wow, I'm sorry to hear about that.

It makes me wonder a little about his operating costs though. I know I'm on a paypal subscription that sends him like $30/year. I don't know how many others are. But web space is pretty cheap these days. Maybe he owns a server in co-lo? That could be more pricey. It just makes me curious.

Sir James A:
So California passed a bill that's in DIRECT violation of a Supreme Court ruling? And then Amazon bails on 25,000 websites? Why do we even retain California as part of the US, if they seem so dead-set on doing things different than the rest of the nation, and ignoring the "little people" like the Supreme Court??

That's insanity.

Sir Rodney:
If I remember correctly, he does own his co-located server.  There was a temporary shutdown a while back while they moved to a new server.


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