Main > The Armoury

Name of your Sword

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Sir William:
Hey, that'd be....wait a minute, that means I'd have to give it to you, then.  GIVE.  LOL @ that

We're brothers, but I don't love you that much yet.  lol

Sir Brian:
Well he failed to mention which end to give him...kind of an important distinction when one is asking another to give away his sword! ;)

Haha, similar to all the wise-guy smiths engraving "point this end at enemy" on blades?

But while Europe in general didn't go all out on the swords with souls thing, with the Scandinavians a sword of esteem had a character about it.

Sir Edward:

Joe Metz posted a photo on facebook of the sword he rebuilt from an Albion Baron, reground down into a single-hander. He posted this about its name:

--- Quote ---Following the practice of knights naming their swords, I have decided to call it "Juvante" which is short for the Latin expression "Deo Juvante" meaning "God's help". Ideally swords were used by knights to defend the weak. If I ever wielded this blade with deadly intent it would be in defense of a loved one to be sure.
--- End quote ---

Pretty cool.

Dang, all you guys are going to convince me to start naming mine. But as I said, it'll be hard to resist the temptation to go with phrases like "Come get some", "Point toward enemy", "Hail to the king, baby", etc. :)

Sir William:
Everything sounds cool in Latin!  Or any other language but English, really.  I came up with a name for this sword but am not sure if it'll sound good.

"Linkehand Gott"


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