Main > The Armoury

Name of your Sword

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Sir Brian:
Well either one translates well in German!
"Come and get some" = kommen und einige
"Point towards enemy" = Punkt in Richtung Feind (this one really sounds ominous and nasty!)  ;)

Sir Wolf:
"ich habe kein kaugunmi"  ;)

Sir Matthew:
I have not named any of my swords yet, but my matchlock musket is named Constance (my wife named her) and my large hand gonne is named Molly. I'm still working on a name for my smaller hand gonne.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-07-05, 19:09:02 ---"ich habe kein kaugunmi"  ;)

--- End quote ---

"Dann treten einige Esel"  ;D

Sir Rodney:
Not exactly the name of a sword, but the unofficial motto for Mercenary Company Nevermore is "Manduca Tribus" (eat for three).  We are NOT a slim bunch. ;)

Our official motto is "Inquit Corvus" which is Latin for Quoth (the) Raven.  This is an obvious reference to Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven and also explains the blazon of our (unregistered SCA) arms.


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