Main > The Campaign

Got asked to join the Cynaguan Guard.

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Sir Rodney:
First the Torse Cynagua and now the Guard of the Principality!  Great honors follow the honorable. :)

Sir William:
I take it that this is a promotion of sorts as you were the Shieldbearer, yes?  In any case, congratulations are in order!

Sir Edward:


A Shieldbearer of Cynagua (Scutiferus Cynaguae) is an award for service but not a position.

A Cynaguan Guard is a position but not an award, though you do get your name added to the rolls and wear a baldric for 6 months.

Its better explained on this page (I am having a brain failure here): Awards in the Principality of Cynagua.

So for the next 6 months my time at events is no longer really my own, though I did say yes so I've no one to blame but myself.



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