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Sword Etching

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Sir William:
I look forward to seeing them as well.

Sir Robert:
The question is so are you going to try etching?

Etching a sword brings up a couple of questions, like what type, how curved, what kind of materail? I am not sure I would want to etch a combat sword too much as I would not want the design to be ruined. Most etched pieces were more cerimonial than anything, not to say that they wern't actually used, but just they were given a better degree of care.

One thing I believe is that a true sword has a soul, and deserves a name. It is importaint I think, to know who forged it, what kind of a person they are/were, and that a sword presentation is a unique ceremony that should be significant to the knight and sword. Ok that sounds weird but a sword was far more than a chunk of steel and would be treated as such.

I do offer this, if you really want great designs then seek out a car letterer, a business that makes vinyl letters or decals as they will have a label cutter that can make very clean and intricate designs that you can use for etching.

Yeah, since it's gonna be something that involves dangerous acids then probably not.  :-\

If it was more a matter of patience and less of a matter of pureeing the wall with your flaming innards if done wrong then I would go for it.

Sir Edward:

How large of a design were you thinking? I know the Albion mark is done by applying the mask and the acid in just the one spot. I think they use something strong and quick, which probably works OK for something small. For blade-length engravings, that might be a different story... unless it's runes or lettering or something where you might be able to do one character at a time.

I was thinking about finally getting a nice sword and belt and such. If my budget forced me to go cheap and buy another tinker/hanwei I was thinking about maybe a cross or something on the pommel. Since Darksword can do a whole set (that looks nice too) I think I'm gonna go with that.


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