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Sir William:
Sucker chics, swords and explosions right?  What was there to disappoint you?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-06-27, 19:49:32 ---Sucker chics, swords and explosions right?  What was there to disappoint you?

--- End quote ---

I saw 15 foot tall samurai on the commercials. They were in roughly 2 1/2 minutes of the entire movie. And the movie was nothing like I expected. Have you seen it?


--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-06-27, 18:42:20 ---I saw it this past weekend. Without the risk of posting any spoilers, I did not understand the ending at all.

--- End quote ---

It was pretty clear to me, so much so that I couldn't imagine a better ending to it. What about the ending is giving you issue? (PM me if you like and tell me where the train broke down for ya.)


Sir William:
I haven't seen Sucker Punch yet but plan on it...something about girls kicking butts does it for me.  I'm interested to know what part of the ending was lost on you, Sir James...mind you, it wasn't meant to tie up loose ends, the film maker had a message he wanted to impart.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2011-06-27, 21:43:04 ---
--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-06-27, 18:42:20 ---I saw it this past weekend. Without the risk of posting any spoilers, I did not understand the ending at all.

--- End quote ---

It was pretty clear to me, so much so that I couldn't imagine a better ending to it. What about the ending is giving you issue? (PM me if you like and tell me where the train broke down for ya.)


--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-06-28, 16:58:37 ---it wasn't meant to tie up loose ends

--- End quote ---

That's what it was. The ending seemed very abrupt, and it felt like I just saw "part 1 of 2". Don't get me wrong, it was a very good movie and I enjoyed watching it, I hoped for some closure on the other character's stories and it left me hanging.


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