Main > The Armoury

ever wanted to do a nice fantasy kit?

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Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-06-21, 17:16:23 ---
I always wanted to do a really cool looking wizard outfit. But the problem is that it's hard to pull it off without it looking chintzy, gaudy, cheap, fake, cheesy, etc. I think to do it right, as with armor, you can end up spending a lot. So I've shelved the idea for years now.

--- End quote ---

dont wanna get called "....tim?" do we? heheh jk ;)

ya i dunno the thought will probably pass into nothingness. :( so sad

Sir Wolf:
thoughts on using what i have instead of buying stuff.

black ren shirt
black surcoat
black leather jerkin over all of it.
black wool cloak.
leather guantlets over leather bracers
black wool pants
lace up black moccicin boots
long belt.

hmmm i got nothing for my head. would love a black leather hood and mantle from Potomac Leather that matches my jerkin I got from them

may have to see if I can find all of these pieces from various kits tonight and put them together to see how they look. could be a giant fail but it's worht a shot.

Sir William:
Looks like you're already well situated, Wolf.  That get-up could go for a Slayer persona too...

Sir Wolf:
well i found everything. now do i really want to put it on? it's REALLY HOT outside. (830pm and still 90 degrees!)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-06-22, 00:29:02 ---well i found everything. now do i really want to put it on? it's REALLY HOT outside. (830pm and still 90 degrees!)

--- End quote ---

Consider it a dry run for the renfaire. :)


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